Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sparks of Life ...

I have read a speech of Chetan Bhagat which I got as a forward. If you don't know Chetan Bhagat; he is an ex IITian and a writer. I have read two books of him 'Five point Some one' and 'One night at Call Center'. First one was an incredible book about 3 IITians and their way of life.

Coming back to his speech, this speech he is talking about sparks of life. He meant by spark is the enthusiasm, happiness, carisma, security etc which you can find on a baby. He is just trying to find how that happiness and enthusiasm is lost on the way of life. Each child may be upto certain age are grown without knowing the sorrows, aspirations of his parents, troubles waiting for him when he grows up. During that period they are not scared by anything, they start doing things their own and they involve themselves in each and every mischievious act they find happiness in. You can see the spark which Chetan is talking about in their eyes that time. If you closely watch a kid - I know there are exceptions - but you can feel the joy in his eye for just being himself.

Chetan is telling where and how its is lost during the journey for success in life. As he says even I feel there is a moment in life where you should stop looking for better places and more money. The spark is lost when you make your life imbalanced for success in life. You should be striving for a balanced successfull life, and he stresses on 'balanced' more than success. Your striving is worth only if there is harmony in life. I have seen many families where they are making money, making money all though the life without preparing to take rest to enjoy the money or find happiness inside the family. Chetan finds disappointment, frustration, unfairness and loneliness of purpose are the main reasons for loosing the spark in life. I have understood what he is peaking and has written about that in my previous blogs. Seek enjoyment in the process rather than the end result. You can see it as seeking enjoyment by working rather than the salary. Or seeking enjoyment in going to school everyday rather than the poor scores you may get, which will make you disappointed. May be these were the things which my friends who used to fail in subjects but enjoyed college life have understood long back.

Its nice to find that there are some person in this world who almost think like me, I always try to be grateful for what I have and gain strength to accept what I dont have. If you keep on worrying and strive to achive what you dont have and loose the spark and harmony of life - which is the balance of health, relationships, mental peace everything in good order. What I am saying is not to be lazy and be happy with what you have, you should find a balance where you can stay happy at the same time more towards to your goal in the life. The goal of life should involve somthing more than having a better job, better degree or better financial stability. It should eventually bring smile on many faces and make you feel that you have lived a good persons life with lot of experiences. "Don't be serious; be sincere" as Chetan says.

The above photo is taken near my apartment on a day, when I had the mood to come back to check the flower after coming back from office. The crop is not exactly what I wanted it to be. But I liked the photo for the depth and contrast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read this before..chetan bhagat's writing i like...especially "one night in a call centre"..