Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Instant Life Coach...

Today morning I have come across a magazine in which the singer Duffy - if you don't know her; she is a welsh singer aged 26 who shot to fame for her wonderful song Mercy and recently released her second album 'Endlessly'. - gave an interview to a reporter in the magazine. After the interview she bothered to share her wisdom on fear to the magazine as well. It caught my attention and it actually tells not all celebrities are just blown balloons.
She had 3 points to share, below are they. In her own words and then my pennies

Cause and Effect
"If you are a 'cause' in your life this means you create the existence that you want and control your own destiny. If you are an 'effect' you become a victim of circumstances. Try taking back the responsibility of all the good and bad things, make active decisions and allow yourself no excuses"

Isn't that a great way of saying how to live life, the use of the words cause and effect has been so good. 'allow yourself no excuse' even when your life is an effect. Just wonderful.

Perception is projection
"What you perceive inside is what you project outside so put forward the best image of yourself. Also cease to assume that in certain situations you always behave in the same way. For instance 'i always get nervous when I meet new people'".

Again that's one thing I have recently started noticing in people, there are many people who just let their attitude take care of their attitude itself. :) Such people always tell that 'I am like that, Can't help it' that's exactly she is trying to tell here. People assume always they are like that, where as in reality they can be different. Such perception/assumptions you have on yourself is the one thing which is actually not letting you grow out of the mould you have put yourself in. Such assumptions are not good, and one day you would feel, you are a slave of the cage your attitude and assumptions built around you.

You have all the resources
"Although you may not know it, you really do have all the tools you need to overcome fear and get more or less what you want. Look at what you have achieved rather than what you haven't and reassure yourself that you are more than capable. And always see solutions rather than problems."

Some thing which I have learnt myself. People who trust in god rather feel comfy about the experiences life is giving you and look forward with hope.

Have a nice day!

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