Am I aging backward - at least mentally - don't know; ya thats what i feel. You can find me playing with my Hamy - my pet hamster - and Spot - my doggy doll. I don't know man, you will be like this once you are some where alone and feel insecure. Have you seen Cast Away movie, some times i feel i am like tom hanks in that, and my pets are like Wilson. I know money is not everything, its nothing for me (its not because i am wealthy- i am not); but don't know some thing is holding me here. May be the opportunity to get recognition is more here, or I am just sharpening my bargaining capabilities. I wanna change my platform from testing to something else, I wanna learn more things - please i don't want to learn QTP. I could have been a good lead and a mentor in what i am doing now, but my experience is not enough for that title. Ok so what! I am still here, until i find an opening in my career. Don't tell any one i don't wanna quit my company with the tester badge.

I have to get a new bigger house for him. And some new treats for him to eat. Every one likes him though they are not calling him with proper names. I have got more visitors coming home to see him than me :( As long as he is alive i am happy; but i am scared. Hamsters are supposed to have a life of only 1-1.5 years. He was born in May 2007. So i have to take care of him better to make him stay longer with me.
He is a good friend of mine. He meets my expectations all the time. With humans my expectations are always more. Even from myself. May be thats why I am always having a looser feeling inside. Thats bad; ain't it? Can't help
i think i have fallen in love with ur lil hammy .. just reading about him .. !! :) how totally adorable he sounds.. what snagged me was ur description .. of him being fat and having a big behind ..!! :) hee hee!!!.. i know thats not something which would be appealing ..but on a hamster ..well .. definitely sounds cute !! :) wishing u a loong loong innings filled with fun filled happy moments with ur hammy!! :)
yes he is very cute, any one would smile seeing him. He will give you a tickling feeling you know... :)
taken a snap of ur hammy..ketto.
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